
trust isn't something that can be achieved easily. it must be earned through hard work and with high perseverance. especially with people who find it hard to trust others, sometimes it takes years to win their trust.

trust is also something very valuable. hard to get, easy to lose. once you've lost someone's trust, it will be very very hard to retrieve back. much harder than earning it in the first place.

my advice: keep the faith that people have in you. make sure you don't do anything that can cost the trust people have in you. cause realize it or not, TRUST is one of the most valuable and priceless things in the world.

1 komentar:

affanibnu on 7 Juni 2010 pukul 06.42 mengatakan...

susah nya menjaga kepercayaan.. sekali tau di kibulin, aduh..!





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