an odd number

5 years.
What's gonna happen in 5 years?
Why is everyone saying 'let's see 5 years from now'?
What's so special about 5 years?

I don't get it.
Yeah sure, we'll be much older in 5 years time. But we all knew that was coming.
And yeah, some of us might already be married in 5 years time. But is that something to brag about?

Getting old, getting married, doesn't always bring happiness.
So I'll ask once more.

What are you looking for in the next 5 years?

4 komentar:

bakaneko on 27 Juli 2010 pukul 05.32 mengatakan...

why are you so pesimistic?
we all have a right to dream, dont we?

farliaa on 30 Juli 2010 pukul 07.24 mengatakan...

santai chy, posting ini bukan nyindir kok..
banyak orang aja yg bilang, 5 taun 5 taun. knapa 5 taun gitu? kok gak 6, 7, ato 10. heran we. hehee

bakaneko on 1 Agustus 2010 pukul 23.42 mengatakan...

nyahaha. soalnya gue mau nikah muda.

farliaa on 12 Agustus 2010 pukul 20.56 mengatakan...

halah halaaah.. hahahaa





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